Our Community
Bulkington is a small village with a population of roughly 300. Although small, it is a warm and welcoming place to live. Our village pub, The Well, run by Sam and Tim Taylor, is undoubtedly the communications hub of the village, and offers an opportunity for new arrivals to get to know local culture and personalities. But the heart of our quiet rural community is Christ Church, our village church, around which many community activities are centred.
In addition, we are extremely fortunate as a small village to benefit from a large playing field facility which was gifted to the Parish by local farmer, William Breach, in 1996 - for the enjoyment of the whole village. And the Village Hall is the centre for local elections, fund-raising events, exercise and crafting groups. It can also be hired for private parties.
Bulkington is surrounded by wonderful scenery and has a plethora of beautiful walks right on its doorstep. Perfect for dog walkers and lovers of all things nature.

The Well
The Well at Bulkington is more than just a traditional village pub. It boasts a spacious, open-plan dining area and contemporary bar, and to go with this offers a taste of both the traditional and modern menus, with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and delicious home cooked meals prepared to order.
As a Freehouse, The Well offers a selection of various real ales from the bar as well as a wide range of other beverages with a difference, including a wide selection of cocktails, liqueur coffees and an incomparable selection of gins specials!
Sam & Tim Taylor , the owners of The Well,
can be contacted on 01380 828287
or go to www.thewellatbulkington.co.uk

Christ Church, Bulkington
Church of England

Welcome to Wellsprings Benefice
We are one community that worships together across five unique and inspiring churches In the heart of Wiltshire, comprising the parishes of Bulkington, Potterne, Poulshot, Seend and Worton & Marston
Website Christ Church Bulkington
Tel: 01380 827285
Rector: Revd. Alison Bridewell, Rector of Potterne, Worton with Marston, Seend, Bulkington and Poulshot
01380 739064, 9 Coxhill Lane Potterne.
Associate priest Revd Canon Dr Joshva John 01380 828137
lives at 23 Dial Close Seend.
The Child Protection Rep. is Liz Futter 01380 828485
Church Wardens are Liz Futter 01380 828485
and Mike Rose 01380 871665
For details of these services please go to the Wellsprings Benefice website at www.wellspringsbenefice.co.uk
Details of services and events can also be seen in “Spotlight” at www.seend.org.uk/spotlight - the monthly magazine which we share with Seend - and on the church noticeboard.
Friends of Christ Church. Contact Revd Maureen Allchin 01380 828931.
The Friends of Christ Church run the 100 Club with good prizes, managed by Phyl Yarde 01380 828116
The War Memorial on the Village Green
The War Memorial is located right in the centre of the village, at the junction of the High Street and Middle Lane, and opposite the Old Post Office and The Well, our village pub.
This great stone edifice stands proudly on The Green and the base of the Cross, prior to having a cross placed on it,
is rumoured to be a medieval market stand where produce and sheep were sold, and where seasonal labour for local farms would have been 'hired'.
The seven names recorded on the Memorial plaque are those who lost their lives in the Great War 1914 - 1918.

William Breach Recreation Ground
Donated to the village in 1996 by local farmer William Breach, the Recreation Ground is an ideal place for all members of the community to meet, with or without children to socialise and play in a large open green space. Older children who like to play basketball, football and cricket, may find the field better suited than their own back gardens. Over recent years it has held our annual Bonfire Nights and summer sports days.
The Recreation Ground Committee look after the smaller items on the grounds and is funded via fund raising and grants. The Parish Council remain responsible for the safety and supply of play equipment, as well as the management of the grass and boundaries.

Bulkington Village Hall
Bulkington Village Hall is a ideal venue for a wide range of activities: meetings, parties, wakes, keep fit, singing, music practice, art, and so much more.
It can accommodate up to 60 persons seated at tables. There is full disabled access. The kitchen, where food can be reheated, is complete with cutlery and crockery.
The hall can be rented from as little as £10.00 a session. (£8.00 for regularly bookings) For further information phone: Roger Futter 01380 828485 or Email here.
The Great Bulkington Railway
Sadly no longer a village feature, a miniature steam railway entertained local families for many years. There was a 1000 foot railway track, a 40 foot long tunnel and lots of working signals. It was privately owned by Net Boulton, The Station Master.
The railway offered sit on train rides and raised monies towards Wiltshire Air Ambulance.